Moonset on the Meseta

Moonset on the Meseta

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The time has come...

I'm leaving for the airport in less than an hour.  One last check of the bag, writing down phone numbers since I won't have my cell phone or computer.  The bag weighed in at about 16 pounds last night without water, and not counting the camera.  I took some things out -- I did have jacket and fleece inside the pack.  I'd like it to be lighter.  But I added some clothes pins, foot powder, and granola bars this morning.

It is a perfect spring morning with all the trees blossoming.  It is hard to believe that France will be any more beautiful than this.   Two roadrunners in the driveway this morning to say good-bye.  I wish myself Buen Camino.

All ready to go, with absolutely all I took with me (hiking poles collapsed and wrapped in plastic).

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