Moonset on the Meseta

Moonset on the Meseta

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

In Porto

We arrived in Porto and as we awaited the Metro into town, Kent looked at his feet and noticed he was wearing one new boot and one old boot.  "My socks match!" he says.  The boots definitely don't, and this for a three-week walking trip.

Otherwise all is well. We just had a lengthy rather unusual, elegant,  sidewalk supper in an alley overlooking the Douro, complete with stories by Carlos our cook, waiter, and host, and now it is time for a full night's sleep in a real bed at Porto Hotel Dixo.

Unfortunately the photo of the mismatched boots is on the camera, not on the phone.

1 comment:

  1. I will be following your journey as two friends want to walk this route in May and September. Have a wonderful pilgrimage you two!!
